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» About AOK Health's Founder

Bradley Wilson
Bradley Wilson is the Managing Director of the AOK Health Group, established in 1994. The AOK Group specialises in the design, manufacture and distribution of health and rehabilitation products, education and services worldwide.
AOK Health employs 5 full-time and 2 part-time staff and by concentrating on developing innovative and the highest quality products AOK Health has achieved recognition as a leader in its field throughout the world. The company currently exports to over 24 different countries around the world covering every continent.
The establishment of a sound business reputation has meant that AOK Health has become the Australian representative for major overseas companies such as BOSU, Bodyblade, Trikke, Resistance Chair & Fitter.
Bradley has Exercise Science University Qualifications and a strong business background in the Hunter, originally returning in 1988 from overseas to work as a Manager with Carrington Slipways in developing the shipyard facilities for the Anzac Frigate and Aurora Australis projects, and later with Varleys as Project Manager for its Army Workshop prototypes. Both roles involved extensive R&D utilizing the University of Newcastle, a resource he later used to develop Duralon™, the groundbreaking PVC substrate used in many of AOK’s manufactured products.
Bradley has not just fostered good products but also good business, winning the awards including:
- 2009 Exporter of the Year
- 2008 Exporter of the Year
- 2004 Trainer of the Year in Logistics.
- 2003 Fastest Growing Wholesaler
By promoting “Best Practice” in business and encouraging staff development through traineeship programs AOK Health will maintain its competitive advantage.
In 2004 this was rewarded by assistance from the NSW Department of State and Regional Development “Fast Growth Assistance” program in business planning for growth.
Bradley is currently a sponsor of the Hunter Academy of Sport where he provides continuing education assistance for both elite and community sports programs.
AOK Health continues to support the Hunter educational institutions, such as the University of Newcastle and TAFE, by sponsoring courses and awards with product, training and work experience.
In 2002 Bradley was the Key Note Speaker at the Fasting Growing 100 Business Awards and the 2006 Institute of Chartered Accountants Hunter Convention.
In 2004, 2006, 2008 & 2010 Bradley was elected as a Director of the Hunter Business Chamber by the 1000 member companies of that organisation. He is Senior Vice President, Chair of the Executive, Audit, Business Development and Education Committees.
Bradley was also a Director of the GraduateSchool.com Pty Ltd division of the University of Newcastle from 2010 to 2014.
In 2005 fellow board members elected him as a Councillor of NSW Business Chamber (previously Australian Business Ltd) - one of Australia’s largest business lobby groups. Bradley was a Councillor for 3 years.
Respected enough to work with other prominent industry professionals throughout the world, he has developed a business model that allows his customers the advantage of the world’s best product and technological information unchallenged by their competitors.
Latest News
» AOK Health has recently Manufactured and Supplied custom Pink mediBalls for Escape Fitness in the UK in support of BreastCancerCampaign.org
» AOK Health has a brand new blog. "Fitness Connect"
» AOK Health is proud to announce we are the winner of the 'Hunter & Central Coast Export Award' for 2009..... VIEW »
» AOK mediBalls have once again been chosen by the 'Network for Fitness Professionals' for FILEX this year
» AOK Health - WINNER of Manufacturer's Export Award 2007 2008......INFO »
Feature Products
» With a complete selection of weights including 10kg, 15kg and 20kg, the AOK Power Training Bag is well suited to general strength programs through to high-intensity explosive dynamic power development.... MORE »
» The freeForm Board allows you to condition every major muscle-joint complex in the body through a full range of motion.... MORE »
In the News
» Students are on the ball in Kath Williams' class and apparently happier, healthier and doing better at lessons......VIEW »